
Mergers and Acquisitions

Gaudeto assists you in growing your company, whether for sale, buy other companies or financing transactions or even strengthening balance sheet structures. This can be achieved through : bank financing, bond issue, or equity capital raising. Gaudeto has extensive experience of listed companies and private equity.

Gaudeto views the decision to sell a company as a process that involves planning, management, and preparation to obtain the best possible price and terms in a transaction. The reasons for initiating a sale process vary but are typically strategic in nature and may include a need for capital, gaining access to complementary technologies, achieving marketing leverage through an established brand name, or gaining access to improved sales, service, and distribution channels.

Specialized in Mergers and Acquisitions, Finance and Strategy Advices for Media and Technology industries.


Tombstone-Osimis-2019 Tombstone-XRIS-2019 Tombstone-Physiol-TPG-BVI-2018Tombstone-A7-fundraising-2015Tombstone-Banks-Physiol-2015Tombstone-TA-Physiol-2015Tombstone-Lampiris-Manex-2014 Tombstone-EVS-EIB-2013Tombstone-EVS-OpenCube-2010Tombstone-EVS-DCinex-ProjectFinance-2009Tombstone-EVS-DCinex-FTT-2009-2011Tombstone-EVS-DCinex-EquityFunding-2004Tombstone-EVS-stocksplit5-1-2005Tombstone-EVS-TOB-VitecPLC-2004Tombstone-RTL-Contact-2001 Tombstone-RTL-BelgaFilms-2001 Tombstone-RTL-HMG-1998 Tombstone-RTL-IP-1997