
Gaudeto sprl is a consulting and investment company

focussed on small to mid size media and health technology as well as digital transition companies. It helps companies to grow up, (re)structure and reach new professional standards. Based in Liège (Belgium), the company develops some retail real estate in Liège aera and supports voluntarily some “xP (christian) media” initiatives. More than 25 years successful experience.

We speak English. We praten Nederlands. Nous parlons français. Wir sprechen Deutsch.
The company and its partner have strong company references:

ATEME_Corporate_logo Logo-Trasisosimis-logo-positive@2x

logo-Noshaq_MyDimm - Logo final_seraphin-bleu_andaman7_rgb_72dpi_logo   


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RCF_LOGO_STATUT_QUADRI  nv-logo-ei-1608-748 Sans titre - 1_SAJE-Logo-VFINAL



Gaudeto sprl – Chemin du Frise 46, 4671 Saive (Liège-Belgium)

info@gaudeto.com +32 (0) 4 374 23 74


More infos “about us”